
From Intersex Wiki
The background has three horizontal stripes: purple, yellow, and purple - the colours of the intersex flag. In the centre is a white ring, in the style of the intersex flag.
Intergender flag, by interpunked. The background has three horizontal stripes: purple, yellow, and purple - the colours of the intersex flag. In the centre is a white ring, in the style of the intersex flag.

The term intergender is an intersex-exclusive gender for intersex people who feel being intersex has impacted their gender in some form[1].

The term was first coined on a newsgroup in the 1990s[2] for an entirely different purpose:

""Intergendered individuals do not gender themselves as 'men' or 'women', but somewhere inbetween, as a mix of both masculine and feminine qualities. [...]. Intergendered should not be confused with intersexed, as the two are quite different.""[3]

In 2014, intersex tumblr user Aeshling proposed redefining "intergender" as an intersex-specific term[2]. The term has since been adopted by the intersex community, though the initial definition is still used by some perisex genderqueer people.

The term extergender is the opposite of intergender.

Alternate terminology[edit | edit source]

Given the ongoing confusion between the initial perisex-oriented "intergender" and the intersex-specific "intergender", some intersex people have proposed instead creating a new term[1]:

Types of intergender[edit | edit source]

A variety of terms have been coined as subtypes of the intersex-specific intergender. These include:

  • Amalgagender: "A gender that is affected by or mixed into one’s intersex identity."[4]
  • Duogender: "A gender that is a combination of male and female as a result one’s intersexuality."[4]
  • Divisigender: "A gender that is distinct and wholly separate from male and female experienced as a result of one’s intersexuality"[4]
  • Fluimulvir: genderfluid between transfeminine and transmasculine in a way influenced by being intersex. A type of interfluid.
  • Ingender: "A form of agender that is experienced as a result of one’s intersexuality."[4]
  • Interandrogyne: "A form of androgyne that is connected or influenced by one’s intersexuality."[4]
  • Interfluid: genderfluid in a way influenced by being intersex
  • Interboth: simulateously both a woman and a man, or fluid between them[5]
  • Interenby: non-binary in a way connected to being intersex
  • Neutroix: "A gender that feels completely neutral, especially related to one’s intersexuality."[4]
  • Resbis: "A term to describe an intersex person who feels regularly conflicted by and is trying to reconcile with their gender identity, or who feels they have in the past struggled with their gender identity, but who has now reached a state of harmony with their gender."[4]
  • Vacagender: "A genderless feeling that is caused or influenced by being intersex"[6]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Intersexfairy. Intersex Terminology Masterpost. 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 LGBTQIA+ Wiki. Intergender.
  3. Donna Lynn Mathews, 1998. As cited in "Intergender", LGBTQIA+ Wiki.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Intersexfairy. Intersex Terminology Masterpost. 2021.
  5. LGBTQIA+ Wiki. Interboth. 2021.
  6. Beyond-mogai-pride-flags. 2018. Vacagender Pride Flag.